The Grapevine – Masterpost

Welcome to the Grapevine! This is a masterpost of all questions that have been answered so far. It also doubles as a place to ask questions, if you’re concerned your question would be “off-topic” for the page you think to ask it on.
Continue reading The Grapevine – MasterpostTaking a break!
Hey gang! You may have seen that I said Chapter Ten, Page 7 was the last page you’d be seeing for a while, so I thought I’d explain a bit.
The long and short of it is that there’s a bunch of personal stuff going on in my life right now that I can’t really balance with making art, so I need to step back from making art to better handle those things. I also just really need a break! With any luck I’ll be able to build up some buffer while I’m gone, but even if I don’t I’ll figure something out.
I’ll see you guys around my social media, and then when I’m posting pages again!
Site Updating
Hey all! Dunno who’s gonna read these but, I’m working on some stuff on the back end of the site right now and probably will be doing so for a little while. So if you see something broken: Trust me, I know, I’m working on it!! Hopefully I’ll be done before the next update, but if not you know what’s going on.