Chapter Ten, Page 14 Chapter Ten, Page 14 published on February 24, 2025Read more posts by the author of Chapter Ten, Page 14, Shard4 Comments on Chapter Ten, Page 14 Vela: Then Vela will help! After all, two people can help more than just one! Dysani: Yeah. Two is better than one.
AND THUS THE GREATEST TEAM UP was officially formed and OFFICIALLY began. <3 Evil beware… for they are FLUFFY You gotta have the fluff, man, it’s an essential part of the equation.
What about two tails, four eyes, and four ears?
Wouldn’t it be three tails, six eyes, and six ears?
AND THUS THE GREATEST TEAM UP was officially formed and OFFICIALLY began. <3
Evil beware… for they are FLUFFY
You gotta have the fluff, man, it’s an essential part of the equation.