Dysani: I’ve been wondering about that thing. What is it?
Nereus: That’s the TRACCS!
Vela: Tracks?
Nereus: That’s right!
Nereus: Courtesy of the New Life Foundation, the Temperature Regulation And Climate Control Shield keeps Abellio’s only settlement safe to live in. But for a city this size? It needs a lot of power.
Nereus: So New Life built a generator they attached to it, and put it underneath the city. It uses the waters of Abellio to keep its own temperature regulated, and in turn it powers TRACCS, which protects the city from the planet.
Nereus: That generator is why I am here. My boss asked me to see to some safety measures regarding it.
We’re all gonna drown and or freeze to death aren’t we.
I’m calling it right now.
Let’s hope it’s not the former, Dysani can’t swim!