Ix Chel: -been Ix Chel with the Galactic Update. We now shift to your local news to let you know what’s happening on your planet at this time.
Evren: Thanks, Ix. I’m Evren Almstedt with your Abellio Update. Today is shaping up to have a lot of volcanic activity, so if you’re expecting someone from off planet or planning to head off world yourself, be sure to account for a delay in officials opening a hole in the shield to let people in and out.
Evren: Weather looks to be rather cloudy with a chance of rain. Officials don’t recommend leaving TRACCS’ range to play in the rain today, so be careful if you do so anyway. In other news, the fiasco [covered: with the dolphin has been]
Dysani: …Did we fall asleep watching the news?
Every fucking sunny morning, even when I want to sleep in- the sun wakes me the fuck up. I know her pain.
Have you tried investing in curtains?
I was going to write about the sun beam on Dysani’s face but Mete Luzi beat me to it.
All hail the volcano dolphins.
Volcano dolphins for best dolphins.