Welcome to this chapter’s Grapevine! What is the Grapevine? Well, read on for info!
Q: What is the Grapevine?
Sort of a Q&A column; readers can ask questions about Interplanetary Shadows, its universe, and its characters. I’ll then answer them as best I can!
Q: How are questions decided?
Since we’re still in early waters, I’ll probably just grab them as I see them. But as we progress, I’ll be gathering them from my Patreon- any tier will have access to the vine, so anyone willing to support my work can ask away! Higher tiers may even get to help me pick questions, if we get a lot of them!
Also, don’t hesitate to ask questions even if you’re not supporting me on Patreon! Maybe someone who is will see it and relay it, or I’ll decide I want to answer it anyway!
Q: Will you answer all questions?
As long as they aren’t NSFW, I’ll do my best to answer everything! Spoilers will be skirted with vague answers or postponing them until an appropriate time, though!
Q: What if there’s no questions being asked?
…I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it.
♡ Nikita
1 Comment
Exactly how many different sentient species are there on the current planet?
What is the ratio of magic to technology? Assuming it’s not magitech, I mean!