It was very important for me to establish that Nereus likes the sound of his own voice back in Chapter Five, because otherwise people might find it strange that he’s gone straight into evil monologue territory.
Nereus: Now, they could evacuate the hospital…
Nereus: But I set up several degrees of sabotage to delay any evacuation plans.
Nereus: Or… They could evacuate the planet!
Nereus: But with as short of a notice as we gave, getting everyone out wouldn’t go very quickly- -and we’d be able to get the generator and get out while they’re busy anyway.
Nereus: All in all, a no lose scenario for us- and a no win scenario for them! We have the generator before the hour is up, and ENERGI is one step closer to its brighter future!
They really thought this plan through, huh?
You can’t afford to half-ass a plan like this!
They didn’t count on a Vela though!
Nobody expects the Vela Inquisition!